BX系列---油壓昇降台車---優點大集合 All the Merits!!!!



Bishamon BX 台車優點介紹:


1. Bishamon的下降把手製作在把手上單手就可以完成下降的動作,不需要放開把手再進行旋轉旋鈕下降閥的動作,一來可以增加安全性,二來也比較符合人體工學,手不易受傷。


2. Bishamon台車當一放開下降把手拉桿的時候,隨即停止下降,就好比腳踏車的煞車一樣,握越緊下降得速度越快;反觀它牌轉閥式的有些需再次逆時針旋緊來停止下降,較不方便。


3. Bishamon的油壓器總成由日本設計,能維持一貫下降速度,不會造成瞬間重物墜落的工安意外;而他牌為旋轉得越鬆則下降速度越快,沒有定速下降的保障,較危險。


4. Bishamon設計叉臂頂升到最高點之寬度尚大於台面長度的一板,能有效防止重物在平台上不平衡導致車台傾倒的意外。


5. Bishamon在設計剪刀叉臂之間留有相當開的空隙,以防下降時有手或腳在機構中導致手腳被剪斷的意外。


6. Bishamon設計上在踏板之後直接就連接著油壓器了,沒有如他牌有多餘的油管等管路,一來在耗材上能做到降低成本的作用,二來在沒有多餘管路的情況下也能減少工件或人員毛髮衣物等等被纏繞等工安意外。


7. 在鋼板材料的用料上,Bishamon也採用了較厚的高張力鋼板下去製作,加強了整台車的耐用度。

  1. 1. It is possible to lower the table by one hand as keeping gripping handle because lowering lever is fixed on the handle in our BX series, which takes 1 step. Some competitors model has lowering knob on different position, which needs 2 steps.(Remove hand from Handle first and lowering by rotating knob)
  2. 2. When lose your grip on lowering lever, it stops lowering automatically. You can control the lowering speed by how tight you grip the lever. In case of lowering knob, you need to rotate knob to backward again physically to stop lowering.
  3. 3. Relatively constant lowering speed by the design know-how how we mount cylinder unit.
  4. 4. Flow control valve equipped as standard can control lowering speed not to happen the excessive lowering speed. (Without flow control valve, lowering speed is totally affected by the load weight, which is dangerous in case of heavy weight.)
  5. 5. Movement of edge of scissor link underneath table stays more than 1/2 of total length even at maximum height, which results in superior stability in terms of unbalanced load for length direction.
  6. 6. Stability of unbalanced load for width direction is also superior than others by the design that there is a distance between outer link and inner link purposely. This clearance also can protect from the pinching hands and feet.
  7. 7. All hydraulic mechanism is inside cylinder unit. There is no hydraulic piping or tubes outside, which gives you less chance to occur the malfunction. (Except BX15)
  8. 8. Relief valve is equipped as standard, which avoids any failure when operator keeps lifting up at a maximum height position.
  9. 9. Structure of base and plate is designed to have enough space between them at minimum height to protect from pinching hands and feet.
  10. 10. The steel material we use is relatively stronger and thicker than the others, which results in superior stiffness, durability, and longer life time.